Arturo E. Osorio is an Associate Professor of Practice – Entrepreneurship at Rutgers Business School. His work focuses on entrepreneurial activities’ (un)intended impact on local socio-economic processes. In concrete, he explores how local business practices may impact local quality of life and vice versa. This focus on the relationship between business practices and quality of life has enabled him to consider issues related to community resilience after a disaster, minorities’ inclusion and business practices, and (im)migrants in society. Using food security as an exemplar, the framework also allows him to study business practices as social determinants of health.
As a faculty at Rutgers, Dr. Osorio is the Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship program at the Management & Global Business department in the Business School. He is also a Rutgers Senator representing the Business School. At Rutgers – Newark, Dr. Osorio is a member of the Chancellor’s Commission on Diversity and Transformation and a Fellow at the Center for True and Reconciliation.
Implementing research into practice, Dr. Osorio is a Fellow at the Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies (Cornwall Center), the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development (CUEED), and the Rutgers Business School Public-Private Community Partnership Program (RBS-PCPP). Working at these centers, Dr. Osorio has directed and/or participated in community development projects for the Fairmont neighborhood (Newark, NJ), assessed the economic impact of the Halsey Street Initiative (Newark, NJ), developed and researched entrepreneurship education initiatives for first-generation entrepreneurs (New Jersey), co-authored reports on Procurement Activity and Minority Business Enterprise Compliance (New Jersey Municipalities), study business recovery after natural disasters (Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey and Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico), co-authored reports with the Federal Reserve New York (US), and mentor participants of the Mandela Washington Fellowship – Rutgers Global (Africa), to name some.
At Rutgers – Newark (RU-N), Dr. Osorio has served as an institutional bridge between Rutgers – Newark and the Hispanic / Latino community. In his bridging role, he advises several Latin American Consulates in New Jersey as well as GLACO-NJ (the Latin American Consular Group of New Jersey, for their acronym in Spanish). Also in this role, Dr. Osorio has coordinated educational forums for the Hispanic / Latino community in New Jersey (in Spanish), hosted round tables at Rutgers with Latin America government officials, and established Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) between RU-N and consulates, nonprofits, and educational institutions.
As practitioner-researcher, Dr. Osorio is a co-founding member of ArMar Consulting, a firm focused on researching and solving socioeconomic issues within urban communities, including community investment, entrepreneurship, and food security. As a consultant, Dr. Osorio has worked on community development initiatives and reports for government agencies, NGOs, and nonprofits, including the Macau Foundation (Macau, China), Fundacion Cedro Peru (Peru), the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Baltimore’s municipality (US). Dr. Osorio is also a board member and advisor to small businesses, startups, Chambers of Commerce, and Community Development Corporations.
Dr. Osorio received degrees from the University of Massachusetts (PhD and MBA) and Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico (BA). He is the author of several research articles, edited books, book chapters, presentations, and reports on topics including entrepreneurship and regional development, business resilience, urban retail, urban food security, and urban renewal through arts, culture, and creativity.
Dr. Osorio is a media commentator and invited speaker. He has organized and participated in several international events and conferences in critical management studies, urban entrepreneurship, and food security. In coordination with several Latin American Consulates, he has also organized several bi-lingual symposiums on access to higher education for first-generation Hispanic families.
Before coming to Academia, Dr. Osorio worked as CFO for a USD$100,000,000 research and development project done in collaboration between the USA and Mexican Federal Governments.
Modern Classics in Entrepreneurship Studies, Palgrave Macmillan , Ozkazanc-Pan, B. Osorio, A. E., Dutta, D.K., Gupta, V. K., Javadian, G., & Guo, G. C. (eds), 2022
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Foundational research in entrepreneurship studies: Insightful contributions and future pathways , Javadian, G., Gupta, V.K., Dutta, D.K., Guo, G.C., Osorio, A.E. & Ozkazanc-Pan, B. (Eds.), 2018
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Cross Border Entrepreneurship: Macau, Zhuhai, and Hengqin , Alves , J.C., Osorio , A.E., Guo G. C. , Khong ,Y.W., 2019
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Macau Business Clusters: Present and Future , Alves, J. & Osorio, A.E., 2016
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Empower Program by GoDaddy in Partnership with Impact Hub - Pilot Program Evaluation Report , Javadian, G., Graham, J., & Osorio A. E., 2022
Impact Of Economic Recovery Efforts on BIPOC-Owned Businesses. Report # 1, City of Baltimore , Javadian, G. & Osorio A. E,
City of Jersey City Supplier Diversity –Purchasing Disparity Study: Final Report. , Lyon K., Comeau, M. Osorio, A.E., Quincy, R., Lu, J., Lee, E., Mokashi, A., Feathers, S., White Connors, C., & Nehme, D, 2020
Mexico Trade Overview. Report developed for the Office of the Governor Murphy and the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce , Osorio, A.E., 2022
A Resource Guidebook for Middlesex County, NJ - Investing in Our Communities , Cruz, C. A., Franco, A., Osorio, A. E. & Recto, M. C., 2018
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“Industrias Culturales: Definiciones, valor, y caracterización” (Cultural Industries: Definitiosn, value and characterization) Report developed for the Division of International Commerce, Services, & Investment, Mexican Secretariat of Economy (Division de Comercio Internacional de Servicios e Inversión, Secretaría de Economía de México) , Osorio, A.E., 2017
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Lessons Learned from Sandy: Business Recovery and Resilience , Osorio, A. E., 2015
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We Are Boiling: Management Scholars Speaking Out on COVID-19 and Social Justice , Peredo AM, et al., 2022
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Does Family Support Matter? The Influence of Support Factors on Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Intentions of College Students , Shen, T. Osorio, A.E. & Settles, A. , 2017
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An Entrepreneurial Context for the Theory of the Firm: Exploring Assumptions and Consequences , Osorio, A.E. Ozkazanc-Pan, B. & Donnelly, P., 2015
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Remediating Food Deserts, Food Swamps, and Food Brownfields: Helping the Poor Access Nutritious, Safe, and Affordable Food , Osorio, A.E., Corradini, M.G. & Williams, J.D., 2013
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