Amanda Jaeger - Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies Skip to main content

Amanda Jaeger

Senior Research Analyst

Amanda Jaeger is a Senior Research Analyst at the Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies. Her research projects include: analyzing course-taking patterns and postsecondary enrollment across New Jersey public schools; unpacking the experience of Black New Jerseyans with disabilities; and exploring state- and nation-wide measures of Freshman On-Track and science course pathways. She is also leading the development of Cornwall’s Newark Community Data Hub, which will provide streamlined access to key indicators that stakeholders need to improve the life trajectories of young people from preschool through adulthood.

Before joining the Cornwall Center, Amanda worked for school districts and public higher education institutions in New York and New Jersey, providing program reporting, research, and data management. She received her BA in History and Political Science from Stony Brook University, and her MPA in Policy Analysis and Evaluation from Baruch College.